Monday 29 March 2010

Smoke and mirrors

First of all we would like to say sorry for the delay,  the power went out 5 hours earlier today and it was a really scary experience.

Today's post is all about the special effects industry -  in particular the makeup and special fx departments.

Our favourite makeup and special fx artists are Tom Savini,  Rick Baker,  and the late Stan Winston.

This is a part of our collection of our issues of Makeup Artist Magazine,  it's a fantastic magazine that comes to us monthly and it's all about makeup and special fx.

You can get a subscription for this fantastic magazine here:

Stan Winston worked with Michael Jackson on the short film Ghosts which was a really amazing halloween themed video.     MJ played 5 characters in the movie.

                                         The makeup in Ghosts was so incredible it was mind blowing.   Now you may not know this but the hefty, middle aged white guy in the photo there is actually Michael -   and no i'm not joking.     That is Michael in makeup as the "Mayor"  character  -  some people could not tell it was him -  in fact some people on youtube say the mayor looks like Roger Ebert the film critic.   In fact, in a review of "Ghosts"  on the site Agony Booth the reviewer refers to the Mayor as "Mayor Ebert" - a nod to the fact that the 1998 Godzilla movie in which the mayor of the city was named Mayor Ebert and looked a lot like the film critic Roger Ebert.  According to Ritchie Alonzo (the guy who created the Mayor makeup) in the August 2009 issue of Makeup Artist Magazine -    Michael went out as the "Mayor"  character.  

 I have done the exact same thing with some of my disguises several times,   such as when I went as John Candy for halloween a couple of years ago - I was very convincing - I looked like the real thing (one person even walked to me and said that they loved me in Uncle Buck and Planes, Trains and Automobiles).   That's where my John Candy impersonation came in handy,   i've been practicing my impersonation of his voice for years and  I can do his laugh as well -  i first developed my JC impersonation on the comedy sketch show Comic Calamity.    I wore a special John Candy likeness makeup for the occasion (which looked exactly like the real JC)  which we also use for werejohncandy makeups -  the Chumsley and Cassie makeup appliances are now on display in the makeup and special effects area of our lab.

in Leno (2008)  I not only played Tonight Show host Jay Leno (both young Jay and present Jay) but I also played several of his old tonight show sketch characters.   I had a special Jay Leno likeness makeup for both the stage and film versions - complete with the famous chin.   Again it was so convincing that not many people could tell it was me - they thought it was the real Jay Leno.    One of the differences between the stage version and film version is that the stage version has two additional Jay characters Johnny Allegro and Bob Johnson.    You may recall a publicity stunt I did where I went out as "Jay" and interviewed people on the street like Jay does in the Jaywalking segment of his show. 

The "Leno" makeup appliance can be seen in the makeup and special effects area of our lab.    There's also a Bruce Campbell likeness one which is used for the Evil Dead stunt show that is seen in the masters of horror wing of our theme park/museum,  and for disney fans there are character likeness makeups we did of Gaston (Beauty And The Beast),  Kronk (Emperor's New Groove) and Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story).

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