Thursday 11 March 2010

Bruce VS The Weregrinch part 1

This is the first part of Bruce VS The Weregrinch.   I hope you enjoy it.

Bruce Campbell was walking home one night when he heard a sinister growling sound coming from the woods..

"It's probably some damm badger or something." Bruce murmured. "But then again I should go take a look."

Bruce walked on over to the woods to see where the noise was coming from..

"Hmm...alright, whoever or whatever you are. Come on out!" He exclaimed.

The sound was getting closer and closer.. the creature seemed to be following Bruce.

"Grrr.....grrr.........grrrrrrrr....." The creature growled.

"Alright you yourself..." Bruce shouted.

"As you wisssh." The creatured hissed.

The creature emerged from the shadows, it looked ferocious and rather like Jim Carrey as the Grinch who stole christmas - covered in green fur, pointed ears, with glowing yellowish claws, a black nose, sharp black claws, fangs, long wild hair, and a rather sinister cheshire cat smile on it's face.

"Well if it isn't my friend Jim Carrey. Alright Jim. You got me. You can take the creature makeup off now, I know it's you." Bruce quipped.

"Aaaaw. Why so seriousss?" The creature cooed.

"Looks like Rick Baker's outdone himself again. That is one realistic grinch-like creature makeup there you've got on Jim." He joked.

"Grrrrrrr.....grrrr." The creature began to growl.

Bruce was about to turn around and make a run for it when the creature attacked him, bit him on the arm and then disappeared.

"Oww....that green hairy son of a bitch bit me!" Bruce shouted.


That next morning, Bruce found himself in a big horrible puddle of blood...

"Something bit me!" He told his friends.

"It looks like the bite of some animal like a badger...." His close friend Brian responded.

"It doesn't look anything like a badger bite." He replied.

"Or it could be the bite of some horrible monster that will curse you and ruin your life..." Brian told him.

"Now that you mention it, it does kind of look like an animal bite.." Bruce quipped.

"You've got two choices, you could ignore it or you could let me find out what it really is using my amazing scientific knowledge." Jake told him.

"Well..okay." Bruce said.

So Bruce followed Brian's advice and does nothing..


But the next month when the moon is once again full..

"Ah, aah. This hurts!" Bruce groaned as he doubled over.

"Bruce! Are you alright?" Jake asked.

"BACK OFF!" He growled in a very demonic sounding voice.

Jake stood back and watched in horror as Bruce began to change, first his eyes turned an eerie yellowish colour, then greenish fur started to grow all over him, his fingernails and toenails grew into long black claws, his ears stretched and grew pointed, his nose turned black and moved upwards, his hair grew long and wild, his eyebrows became bushy, he developed sharp white fangs, and a sinister jack Nicholsonish smile..

"Bruce! Is that you in there?" Jake inquired..

"Raaaaawr!" The creature that was once Bruce Campbell roared.

"Oh no what has happened to you?" Todd asked.

The creature that was once Bruce slashed a hole in the wall with one of his claws and escaped into the night...


"Aaaah! What is that horrible beast?" Cara screamed.

"I'm afraid that our friend Bruce has become the most feared of all creatures... a weregrinch." Jake replied. "You know, like a werewolf except well...grinchy. He's become half man half grinch all monster!"

"I see." Cara said.

And lo, Bruce terrifes the innocent people of Oregon with his fearsome growl, Jim Carrey-like antics, attacking innocent people, devouring garbage, and even worse....stealing presents..


What will become of our hero now? How will his friends get through this? Will he ever turn back to normal?

Find out in part 2...

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