Wednesday 31 March 2010

Innocent MJ

The late Michael Jackson was a musical visionary, there is no one quite like him.

Of all of his achievements, I find Ghosts to be one of his best.

Stan Winston worked with Michael Jackson on the short film Ghosts which was a really amazing halloween themed video. MJ played 5 characters in the movie.

The makeup in Ghosts was so incredible it was mind blowing. Now you may not know this but the hefty, middle aged white guy with glassess is MJ - and no i'm not joking. That IS Michael in makeup as the "Mayor" character.

Some people could not tell it was him - in fact some people on youtube say the mayor looks like Roger Ebert the film critic. In fact, in a review of "Ghosts" on the site Agony Booth the reviewer refers to the Mayor as "Mayor Ebert" - a nod to the fact that the 1998 Godzilla movie in which the mayor of the city was named Mayor Ebert and looked a lot like the film critic Roger Ebert. I wonder if Roger Ebert knows about that one.

According to Ritchie Alonzo (the guy who created the Mayor makeup) in the August 2009 issue of Makeup Artist Magazine - Michael went out as the "Mayor" character.

I also enjoyed the message the video had. I am one of the many people out there who believes that MJ is innocent and not a pedophile.

I was also slightly offended by the jokes Jay Leno made about him during the 2005 trial era. The worst was a phony interview with MJ which is actually just footage from the Living With Michael Jackson special with Jay inserted in Martin Bashir's place. Not only did Jay make Michael look like a fool in that fake interview but he also butchered one of Michael's best songs - and i' m talking about Billie Jean. He gets the lyrics wrong - well gets the "Billie Jean is not my lover" part right but he gets the part after that confused, he sings..."He's just a guy." Everyone knows the titular person of the song Billie Jean is a female NOT a male - apparently Leno doesn't know the lyrics properly.

Therefore, Leno knows nothing about MJ. Just be glad he's not doing any MJ jokes now - it would be in bad taste if he did - as you must never speak ill of the dead.

Also the story behind the song Billie Jean oddly enough is that there was a woman who accused MJ of being the father of one of her twins.

MJ is, was, and always will be an inspiration to musicians everywhere no matter what the media says about him.

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