Wednesday 31 March 2010

Fella's origin

For sometime now, people on Deviantart have been wondering what the heck Fella is.

Well my theory is that Fella is some sort of cute alien baby that crash landed on Earth, who was found by a couple of humans who raised him like a son, he learned all about earth's customs and in the process also taking a liking to earth culture especially art - often visiting art museums and taking notes.

I also say that his official species name is Deviantian. Given his robot-feline appearance i'm guessing his special powers and abilities would be the same as Inspector Gadget's ones ("go go gadget toothbrush"!).

Even though Fella himself does NOT talk, he commuincates via telepathy - although sometimes when he talks his voice kind of changes every 5 years or so like Crow from MST3K (Sometimes he'll sound like a Mickey Mouse copycat, other times he'll sound like Darth Vader and some others he may sound like Jack Black or even Bruce Campbell).

I conclude that Fella is a rather unique, highly advanced alien lifeform which we should cherish and protect at all costs.

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