Monday 22 March 2010

Dream bedroom

Things that my ultimate dream bedroom would have.

1.Top secret science lab.

2. A closet which has various disguises including realistic animal costumes and celebrity likeness disguises.

3. A machine which allows you to choose your own dreams, deciphers them, records them and can make them into a movie or tv show.

4. A library filled with the greatest books ever written.

5. Shelves with various scientific equipment on them.

6. Gargoyles - not just for decoration, but to protect the room from intruders. They would be replicas of the Manhattan Clan and would come to life at night.

7. Megaconsole the ultimate video game system - plays all game formats including cd roms and nintendo cartridges.

8. Virtual reality goggles, gloves and helmet that really work - transports you into your favourite tv show or movie.

9. Spooky digital alarm clock: An alarm clock shaped like a skull and instead of the usual beeping sound you hear Vincent Price's evil laugh from Thriller.

10. Devilishly Sexy digital alarm clock: A hellfire theme one that has the voice of Tim Curry.

12. Evil Dead digital alarm clock: An evil dead alarm clock which has an action figure of Bruce Campbell as Ash. Instead of the beeping you hear Ash say lines from the Evil Dead films.

13. Gene splicer machine like the one used in The Fly.

14. A mini zoo filled with different kinds of animals even extinct and mythical ones.

15. Wide screen tv with over a thousand channels.

16. Movie theatre that plays any and all movies except High School Musical, Twilight, Titanic, and any Tom Hanks movie where Tom is playing a dramatic role (e.g Forest Gump, Philadelphia).

17. Device that brings drawings and toys to life.

18. Beanie baby army.

19. Morphing paintings like the ones in Disneyland's haunted mansion but even better - one in the foyer would feature me turning into a werejc, the ones on the bedroom wall would have me morphing into Ash from the Evil Dead films, Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees.

20. Lever which activates entrance to top secret lair.

21. Lever which opens up entrance to sacred Bruce Campbell shrine.

22. Tunnel which leads to garden filled with exotic plants including Audrey II plant from Little Shop Of Horrors.

23. Complete Comic books on tape collection - all narrated by Bruce Campbell.

24. Realistic medieval village for Dungeons and Dragons and similar role playing games.

25. Realistic futuristic spaceship interior for Star Wars and similar rpg.

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