Wednesday 31 March 2010


Hello, Nathan F here with another semi controversial submission. This one is centered around a certain pair of directors who don't have any talent at all.

Of course i am refering to Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg, I have never seen ANY of their comedies except for Spy Hard but from what i've heard about their latest "works" I can tell that they're hated by a number of different people.

It seems to me that they don't do the research at all when it comes to making fun of the movie/tv show they parody and just decide to mix it all together into one disgusting, completely random mess of slop and bad jokes nobody gets or finds funny.

Note that "Disaster Movie" had little to do with actual disaster movies except the Cloverfield parody and the homage to Twister - it is however a Disaster Movie in more ways than one - it bombed.

I admit that I have seen my share of bad movies - and I also admit that I do like them - I've seen almost everyone of the ones on MST3K and I also like that underrated 1991 Nothing But Trouble starring Dan Akyroyd, Demi Moore, Chevy Chase and John Candy (Dan and John both played 2 characters in the film) - which may be weird to some but it's SUPPOSED to be weird - it's a black comedy, but Seltzer and Friedberg's movies are so bad that they're horrible.

Now i'm no Gene Siskel or Roger Ebert when it comes to movies but it seems to me that Seltzer and Friedberg have no talent at all. My brother and I could do a better movie than them.

They seem to think it's a good idea to just spoof every possible film genre imaginable. I mean what's next? Puppet Movie? Car Crash Movie? Animated Movie? Insert Genre Title Here Movie?

In the words of Jay Sherman - It stinks.

I conclude that i think they should quit filmmaking forever and never make another movie ever again.

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